Thursday, September 25, 2008

First TV shoot!

I went to the US to shoot a TV commercial for the cell phone I am working on. I am not in any of the scenes, but it was a great experience to be "the client" and have approval over the look and feel of the commercial. Overall I think it will be a very cool commercial, and I wilil definitely share it when it is finished!

My general thoughts of the TV commercial experience:
-- Food on the set was amazing (ie we stuffed ourselves silly at every meal and grazed between meals). There was a traveling catering company with us, fantastic ribs one day, a chicken wrap the next =)
-- The the whole I only a slight idea of what I was doing. Or at least that is how it felt at times. I learned a bunch, and added feedback where I could, but it did help to have the ad agency around to provide a bit more context when I needed it! The funny thing? The copywriter for the ad agency -- his name was Angus.
-- We definitely explored some of the local flavor in Lancaster CA. The actual shoot took place outside of LA (with lots of driving between locations). We saw salt flats, joshua trees, and a bunch of sets which looked like rundown motels (and apparently make most of their money by being porn sets, DO NOT sit on the couch!) Really cool locations, and some of the places we stayed were very entertaining (ie getting food at the local bar in Lancaster was a trip in and of itself, this bar probably had never had an order as big as ours, ie 8 people).
-- Dealing with the Korean workday did NOT help (8 am Korean time was about 5 pm in the US, so I was up until 1 am a few times...) It doesn't help that I have multiple stakeholders, and the end goal is always to figure out what the executives want, what the local markets will think, and then what I can tolerate. The actual customers? The customer research would be nice, but that would require actually making the TV commercial a couple of months earlier, and given that the product is still being changed slightly, an earlier TV commercial is not likely. Exciting? Yes. Easy? No. On time? We hope.

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